Israel National Mine Action Authority



Over the years, thousands of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines have contaminated lands across Israel.  Some were placed to serve Israel's operational and security needs, and others were placed by neighboring countries during times of conflict. As a result of erosion, many mines have shifted locations. This poses a significant threat to civilians in affected regions.  

Identifying a national security priority, in 2011 the Ministry of Defense established the Israel National Mine Action Authority (INMAA). The INMAA is responsible for determining Israeli policy and demining priorities, managing mine clearance initatives, and cooperating with the IDF and other government authorities in completing projects. Additionally, the INMAA is responsible for operating an advisory committee for the Minister of Defense on issues of mine clearance.

According to the 2011 Demining Law, INMAA's functions are to:

1. Establish national policy relevant to mine clearance, taking into consideration military procedures and international demining standards.

2. Connect with professional operators and supervisors to carry out demining activities

3. Oversee mine clearance activities and contact  relevant military commanders for the opening of closed military zones

4. Coordinate activities with the IDF and other government authorities

5. Execute public relations activities to increase awareness of existing minefields

6. Prepare annual and long-term demining plans

Since its establishment, the authority has cleared tens of thousands of different types of mines scattered across thousands of acres of land throughout Israel. The freed lands are turned into tourist parks, nature reserves, agricultural lands and more.

Regions that have already been cleared include: an area near the Dead Sea, thousands of acres in the Arava, hundreds of acres surrounding Eilat and the Beit She'an Valley, and hundreds of acres in Majdal Shams and Had Nes in northern Israel.

One of the leading projects of the INMAA, in cooperation with HALO Trust, is the clearance of an area called the  Land of Monasteries (Qasr al-Yahud). Located by the Baptism Site on the Jordan Rriver, the Land of Monasteries is home to 7 monasteries (8 denominations), that have been closed to visitors and pilgrims due to the danger posed by mines. The area has been contaminated as a result of the 1967 war and once the clearance is complete, the church plots will be returned to their respective denominations and visitors will once again be able to visit these holy sites.

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