The State of Israel is built on the memory of its fallen soldiers, those who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. The people of Israel cherish their soldiers and recognize the gravity of any loss.
The Department of Families and Commemoration is the national authority enlisted to commemorate Israel's fallen service-men and women, and care for their families.
The department's mission is to honor those who have served the state, and provide their families with professional, readily available services in accordance with the Compensation and Rehabilitation Law (1950), and the Military Cemeteries Law (1950).
Department staff conduct their work with a profound sense of dedication and professionalism, recognizing the moral imperative as first articulated by one of Israel's founding fathers, David Ben Gurion: "the welfare of IDF casualties is an inseparable part of national security."
As of the year 2016, the Department of Families and Commemoration is also responsible for the management, operation and maintenance of the Ministry of Defense Museums. These museums serve as a time capsule from the early days of Zionism, telling the stories of Israel's defense forces and exploring the establishment of the IDF.