Defense Exports Control Agency (DECA)



Over the last several decades, the management of defense exports has become a mission of paramount importance for many countries. Radicalization, terrorism and extreme regimes have raised global awareness of the issues of counter-proliferation and state supervision. Threats related to the possible transfer of modern technologies in ways that may be exploited for malicious purposes, alerted governments and indicated a need for national control apparatuses.

The Israeli Defense Export Controls Agency (DECA) was established in July 2006 as an integral department of the Ministry of Defense. The Defense Export Controls Act was adopted the following year and names DECA the "authority for export control" on behalf of the Director General of the Ministry of Defense.

Since its inception, DECA has worked to protect Israel's national security and defense interests through its licensing responsibilities in relation to defense equipment, know-how, counter-proliferation, and in terms of preventing damage to Israel's international relations and national strategic interests. The department provides a wide variety of services to defense exporters in all avenues of export controls, including outreach to ensure general awareness of issues in the field, as well as understanding of and adherence to legal requirements.