Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Administration


​Israel is among the world's leaders in the development of unmanned tools, particularly in the field of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs).  The Israeli UAV provides the IDF and the wider defense establishment with a strategic advantage.  This tool is primarily used for reconnaissance, infantry support, defense missions and more. As needs diversify, so too do the capabilities of UAVs. Today, Israel's UAVs are not only able to fly higher, longer and farther, but they can also conduct any mission at hand, day or night, rain or shine.

In recent years, the market for drones and UAVs has grown exponentially. Demand for these capabilities has led to further development and the advancement of their technical abilities. This administration works in cooperation with the Israeli Air  Force, Navy and Ground Forces, as well as with Israeli defense industries and subcontractors to keep Israel at the forefront of  global UAV development.

The Administration was established in 2001, under the Ministry of Defense DDR&D. It is responsible for the development and production of UAV elements, including communication systems, payloads and other mission stations. Their goal is to develop advanced, cutting edge and cost effective systems to address the IDF's operational needs.


1. To lead, coordinate and manage the development of UAV systems

2. To serve as a center of knowledge in the global UAV market

3. To make use of cutting edge technology and adapt to global trends

4.  To promote Israeli product development.

5. To support the IDF and address its operational needs

6. To operate in conjunction with Israel's Air Force, Navy, Ground Forces and Intelligence

UAVs currently in service include the Eitan (Heron TP), Shoval (Heron 1), Hermes 450 and Hermes 900. IDF ground and naval fores also operate a system of UAVs. These are divided into a three-tier system - upper, intermediate and lower- based on their technical abilities.

Upper Tier:

- Maximum altitude of 40,000 feet

- First operational flight: Operation Cast Lead

- 15 meters long, 26 meter wingspan, carrying capacity: 1 ton of fuel and systems

The Eitan (also known as the Heron TP or Heron 2), is manufactured by Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI). It was first diplayed publically at the Paris Air Show in June, 2007 and was incorporated into the IAF in  February, 2010.

Intermediate Tier:

- Maximum altitude of 20,000 feet

Hermes 450, Hermes 900 and Shoval: This serves as a tactical layer designed for extended periods of flight time, matching the needs of the Air Force, Ground Forces, Navy and Intelligence divison. Hermes UAVS are maufactured by Elbit  Systems, and the Shoval is manufactured  by IAI.

Lower Tier:

- Maximum altitude of 5,000 feet

- Weighs 10kg

- Skylark 1, manufactured by Elbit Systems is used primarily for reconnaissance.

These low-altitude UAVs are used by the IDF Ground Forces. 

In the near future, the Skylark 3 (weighs 45kg), will be deployed to the  IDF's ground forces and used at the brigade level.