SIBAT: International Defense Cooperation


Israel is known around the world for its groundbreaking defense systems, which are developed by its defense industries, and implemented across the globe. These innovative systems provide effective, advanced capabilities to counter a variety of threats and challenges.

SIBAT, the International Defense Cooperation directorate at Israel's Ministry of Defense (IMOD), is uniquely positioned as an essential division within the ministry, while also maintaining a close relationship with the defense industry. Bridging between the industries and the defense establishment, SIBAT remains informed in a fast-paced and dynamic field, while also recognizing the operational needs of the IDF and the defense etsablishment as a whole. 

SIBAT has amassed the capabilities and experience required in order to operate effectively within Government-to-Government, Business-to-Government and Business-to-Business frameworks.

SIBAT's extensive global presence with  well-trained representatives stationed around the world, enables effective cooperation and coordination between Israel and its international partners (both companies and governments).

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SIBAT's Operations and Services:

  • Government–to-Government agreements
  • Initiating official foreign delegations
  • Identifying business opportunities with the Israeli defense industry
  • Finding technological solutions for specific operational requirements
  • Establishing joint ventures
  • Conducting advanced training seminars
  • Managing the sales of IDF inventory
  • Providing quality assurance & technical support services for G-to-G agreements
  • Providing in-depth information on Israel's defense industry using a biennial directory
  • Producing conferences; showcasing Israel's technologies and capabilities under one roof at the Israel
  • National Pavilion; attending global fairs & exhibitions and facilitating direct contact with participating industries
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